Future-proof e-learning platform

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Taking vocational education to a higher level, that's what Bespeak stands for. They develop innovative training products with a team of educational specialists. Everything tailor-made, focused on the student's knowledge, needs and experience. Bespeak developed on behalf of Visavi, the e-learning platform "Beauty Level"

The case

An educational study by Bespeak showed that the current learning method no longer matches the suitability of the students. This created a demand for improvement and renewal of the current Learning Content Management System and the associated learning method for beauty care. The wish; a visual platform, a matching look and feel and a correct alternation between textual and demand-oriented content.

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De solution

A clear user interface is an important element in the success of an online tool or learning environment. For this reason, the order and manner of learning of students was examined. Thereafter, this educational research is linked to practice to ensure a good balance both functionally and visually. The e-learning platform has been set up with focus on flexibility and scalability and a matching look and feel.

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Beautylevel case 4 x2

The result

By combining the right vision with the different disciplines within our team, a future-proof e-learning platform has been realized. This tailor-made e-learning platform is easy to expand and easy to connect to other systems. The user can also build teaching methods at his own discretion with this scalable platform.

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Beautylevel case 5 x2

"Doop asks by the essence of the question to understand and look at the ability to solve it differently. A good party does not carry out what you ask for, but asks what you want."

Gj body 1280

Gerrit Jan Oudenes

CEO - Bespeak

More information? You know where to find us.

Olaf de Rijter web

Olaf de Rijter

Operationeel Directeur +31(0)6 80 10 11 28 o.derijter@wearedoop.com

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